According the CDC 90% of heavy drinkers do not meet the criteria for alcohol dependence. Stages of Change Center finds the old adage that “there are two kinds of drinkers alcoholics and everyone else” inadequate at best.
Chemical use happens on a spectrum, and so does the experience of unwanted and unintended consequences. Not everyone who experiences a problem related to alcohol or drugs has a problem with alcohol or drugs. At Stages of Change Center our primary objective is to first and foremost provide assessments and classes that will help you complete conditions and resolve barriers that may be keeping you from moving forward. Making “changes” to your drinking or using will always be up to you! However, I am passionate about creating an opportunity for that change to happen. With the use of evidence based strategies SOCC will help you identify your risk patterns, challenge beliefs and attitudes that may be contributing to negative or unwanted consequences, and provide tips, tools and techniques to help encourage moderation management.
Alchohol and Drug Assessments
Are you facing legal charges due to alcohol or drug use? Or perhaps consequences at work or school? This evaluation may also be called a chemical health assessment, Alcohol Problem Assessment, Rule 25 or CD assessment. The purpose of the chemical use assessment is to determine the level of risk you face due to alcohol and drug abuse.
If you have been encouraged or are required to obtain a chemical use assessment, it is important to find a qualified center that can provide a complete assessment on a timely basis. Stages of Chang Center Staff is aware that sorting through what needs to be done when facing potentially serious consequences can be overwhelming and stressful we are here to help.
Stages Of Change Center counselors are Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors (LADC).
Alcohol and Drug Education Classes
Stages of Change Center offers Alcohol and Drug Education Workshops, sometimes referred to as DUI/DWI classes, Chemical Awareness or alcohol and drug education programs). These classes/workshops are for individuals who have committed alcohol or drug related offenses (ie driving, or possession charges) but do not require intensive intervention. We offer a Level I (4 credit hours) and Level II (total 8 credit hours) Level III (12 credit hours) Level IV (15 credit hours) and Level V (20 credit hours). DWI classes may be recommended for individuals who:
- Are involved in a driving offense involving drinking or drugs
- Report misusing alcohol or drugs and have a driving-related offense on their record
- Have been suspended from work for due to a failed drug screen
- Have been charged with an offense where alcohol or drugs are involved directly or indirectly in the offense
There is no assessment required for participation in our alcohol and drug education classes.
A standard chemical health (alcohol and drug) assessment, is $250.
The results of your alcohol and drug assessment will be shared with you in your session. A written report will be created that details the information shared in the process of your assessment, as well as the outcome and your recommendations. This assessment can be sent to any party you wish, as long as you have signed a release of information allowing for it. I do not work with insurance companies, and as such, your alcohol and drug assessment will not be a part of your medical record unless you choose to provide it.
The recommendations made are made, are just that – recommendations, based on clinical experience, to address issues related to your use. Sometimes people are not able or willing to follow these recommendations due to finances, time, interest, or other circumstances. You will need to decide what you are willing and able to do. Sometimes a third party, such as the courts, a lawyer, or family member, may request that the recommendations be followed. If this applies to your situation, you will need to speak directly to the third party to discuss the potential outcomes of whether or not you follow the recommendations.
Recommendations are based on what is clinically appropriate to address concerns related to your alcohol and drug use. These recommendations may include, but are not limited to:
- No treatment, if no issues are present
- Alcohol or drug education classes
- Outpatient chemical dependency treatment
- Residential chemical dependency treatment
- Individual counseling
- Couple or family counseling
- Referral to complete mental health evaluation if need is indicated
The process begins with a call or email to set up your alcohol or drug assessment. When you schedule your appointment, you will be given information to set up a confidential online account, which will allow you to access information securely and at your convenience. Once your account is set up, you will be able to complete several assessments online, from the setting of your choice, prior to your appointment. These assessments include a chemical use history, an alcohol and drug questionnaire, and assessments for symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Once your assessments are complete, they are reviewed prior to your alcohol and drug assessment. Your face-to-face appointment will be an interview lasting 1 1/2 to 2 hours. During this time any questions regarding the information you submitted will be clarified, and we will further explore the context of your alcohol and drug use, as well as the impact it has had on your life.
At the completion of your alcohol and drug assessment, you will be asked to complete a release of information for 1-2 people that can provide further information about your alcohol and drug use. These people will be contacted, typically within 24 hours, and asked to provide collateral information. To ensure that this step is completed in a timely manner, please come to your alcohol and drug assessment prepared with their full name, address, phone number, and best time to be contacted.
After information is gathered from your collateral contacts, it is reviewed along with all of the other information gathered from your online assessments and face-to-face assessment. Based on what is learned, recommendations are made, if appropriate, to address any concerns related to your alcohol and drug use.
Typically alcohol and drug assessments are requested by lawyers, the courts, employers, schools, or family members. Usually something has happened, an accident, a legal charge, poor performance, or changes in behavior, that have prompted someone to express concerns about your alcohol and/or drug use. An alcohol and drug assessment explores what you have been using, how much and how often, under what circumstances, and how it has impacted areas of your life, including:
An assessment helps determine if your alcohol and drug use is a problem, and if so, what kind of help would be beneficial.
An assessment gathers information about your history of using alcohol and/or drugs, previous alcohol and drug treatment you may have had, your risk of future problem use, significant medical concerns, mental health concerns, sources of support and resources to help you in making positive life changes, your living environment, and the consequences from your alcohol and/or drug use, including legal issues, employment problems, and relationship problems.
The goal is to not only understand what chemicals you were using and how much, but also the context of your using – how your use did or did not impact your life.
A drug and alcohol assessment may be referred to as a drug assessment, chemical health assessment, Rule 25 assessment, or a CD evaluation. The purpose is for an independent evaluator to learn more about what you were using, the impact that it had on your life, and how this in turn impacted your relationships, work, family life, school, and general well being.
What to expect in a chemical use evaluation:
First it is important to understand the components of the chemical use assessment. Below is an explanation of the process and general explanation of the information collected:
Background information – As a first step you will be asked to complete a written record of your personal information, including a medical and sociographic history. This information is designed to enable the counselor who will perform the CD assessment to quickly focus in on understanding your needs. It takes about a half-hour for you to complete the documentation. Nothing you reveal to the treatment center regarding your alcohol and drug use can be provided to any other individual without your consent.
Interview with Licensed alcohol and drug counselor – The second step is a zoom or telephone meeting with a counselor. This meeting also takes about one hour. There are two goals for this discussion. First, the counselor will use the opportunity to conduct a thorough evaluation of your risk profile. The questions the counselor asks enable him or her to measure your exposure to six different ways chemical use and behaviors can negatively affect you. This is known professionally as the six risk dimensions Second, the interview is a chance for you to openly share your concerns and your desires, questions you have about how to reduce your risk. Based upon your individual risk score Minnesota regulations may recommend an education class/workshop, intensive community based programming, or if the immediate risk is determined to be especially high, inpatient care.
- Nothing you reveal in these meetings regarding your alcohol and drug use can be held against you in court or any legal proceeding.
- Nothing you reveal regarding your alcohol and drug use can be provided to any other individual without your consent.
- There is no obligation as a result of the chemical dependency evaluation to follow the treatment recommendation. However, please be aware that a court, probation, employer or department of motor vehicles may require recommendations be followed to maintain satisfactory progress on probation, remain gainfully employed, or have driving privledges reinstated. If you are working with a third party it is best to speak to them about how your case or situation requires you to proceed.
Stages of Change Centers’ professional and experienced Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors (LADC) provide our clients with thorough and detailed chemical use assessments to meet a variety of needs. We conduct assessments, also known as chemical health evaluations, for clients who are:
- Addressing concerns about their own drug and/or alcohol use
- Not sure if they have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse
- Responding to concerns of family members or friends regarding their alcohol or drug use
- Requesting a second opinion
- Meeting a requirement of probation or parole
- Resolving DWI/DUI charges or another court-related issue involving drug or alcohol use
- Required to complete a chemical health evaluation by an employer or a school
- Referred by a medical doctor or nurse, psychiatrist or mental health therapist
- Meeting Driver’s License / DMV / DPS referrals, recommendations and requirements
- Following up on health insurance referrals and requirements
- Need a Rule 25 Chemical Use Assessment
Stages Of Change Centers’ chemical use assessments can be done over the phone or live via a zoom appointment only. We do not offer in office appointments.
Chemical use assessments are based on an in-depth interview conducted by our licensed counselors that will evaluate whether a client’s chemical use (drug and/or alcohol) is problematic. With our streamlined registration process if you complete all forms on time prior to our appointment the appointment will only take 30-45 minutes to complete.
Following the client’s assessment interview, our staff completes and emails our clients a professional and individualized chemical health assessment report that will include:
- An in-depth summary of background and supporting information provided by the client to their counselor during the interview portion of the assessment and from written materials completed by the client during the assessment appointment.
- A determination of whether the client meets medical criteria for a diagnosis of SUD.
- When appropriate, our assessments will also include a recommendation for education and/or more intensive programming for clients who meet criteria of chemical (alcohol and/or drug) use disorder or who would benefit from additional information about chemical health issues.
Stages Of Change Center counselors are Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors (LADC).